testosterone: will the real brudderfucker pls stand up?


trials and tribulations..be there or be square.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

will the real brudderfucker pls stand up?

either we've all lost interest. either we've taken this for granted. either we're all busy. hope its the last. i am busy. hunter is busy. hb and wanker are busy.(really?) chewbacca yoke chew yeowkuan i dunno what he's doing with his life.

on a less solemn note. lets celebrate our nation's birthday with aplomb. u can come to marina city from 06-14 for carnival@marina. lots of stuff there. but need few hours to walk finsih if u mean business. i'll be there almost all the time.

and another update. zosters' zosters is healing well. but might scar. but dun worry i will literally pick up the scabs and pieces and strive to improve my as usual fucking weak immune system. still need ur support as always.

pls blog guys. miss all of u.


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